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Joint Venture Opportunities Are Everywhere

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Joint Venture Opportunities Are Everywhere

by admin on December 3, 2009

Many people ask what a joint venture is and how they can do one. That is a very loaded question but suffice to say there are joint venture opportunities everywhere.  Most of my online business consists of manual processes that I see that could be converted into software, service or outsourced solution.

You just have to step back and look at things in a different manner with your opportunity goggles on. The next time you read an ebook that is explaining some kind of tedious process that would normally take you hours to complete,  simply think of a way to automate that process or make it easier to do. You will be surprised on what you can come up with. Next, approach the person whom wrote the book and ask if they would like to joint venture on a product that automates the process. Then you can sell it to his/her lists and make some easy profits.

Open your eyes and you will see that Joint Venture Opportunities Are Everywhere!

Secrets of the JV Masters
Secrets of the JV Masters
An excellent book of interviews with some of the top minds in Internet Marketing on how they do joint venture marketing
Price: $27.00

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Nissan in China | Revenge of the Electric Car | Alternative Fuel Automotive Wisdom
December 3, 2009 at 9:52 pm
Joint Venture Intelligence » Blog Archive » Joint Venture Marketing
December 7, 2009 at 10:35 am

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Barrie Featherstone June 10, 2010 at 7:13 am

You should also search for companies that operate in your particular niche. BTW, I am looking for JV partners to distribute my product at


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